Papervision3D Performance Tips
Papervision Performance Tips:
- Lowering your poly count is the quickest way to get large performance gains. Use models with the fewest polygons possible.
- Use ViewportLayers and only render the layers that contain moving objects. Caveat: this can lead to some funky anomalies if you are rendering ViewportLayers with child layers.
- Render the scene/layer only when something is moving and stop rendering when there is nothing moving.
- Bake shading into material. Runtime shading is very resource intensive and will reduce your frame rate considerably.
- Feed the garbage collector. Destroy all unused objects properly.
- Set the stage quality setting medium or low (or switch between the two)
- Set the movieclipmaterial animate setting to false unless actively animating
- If using precise property on materials, be sure to set tiling=true.
- Instantiate variables outside of For loops and often called functions (onEnterFrame). If you don't, you can run into a race condition where the garbage collector cannot dispose of those objects faster than they are being instantiated. If you declare the variable outside of the loop, the memory is reused each time the function is entered.
- Make sure you clean up your event listeners