Collada Animation Using Papervision3D and 3ds Max 2009
I recently got my hands on a copy of 3ds Max 2009 and was trying to play around with some animation for use in Papervision3D. I started out using the built in collada export tool, but the DAE parser in Papervision3D doesn't handle the nested tags produced by the tool. (see Tim Knip's explaination here) I also tried the ColladaMax NextGen plugin (latest and greatest?) and that too produced animation tags that Papervision3D didn't like.
The solution is to use the older version of ColladaMax (get it here). Make sure when you do your export that you select the correct .dae save type. The screencap below shows the correct option.
The solution is to use the older version of ColladaMax (get it here). Make sure when you do your export that you select the correct .dae save type. The screencap below shows the correct option.
sorry, can you help me with my test
i load collada model and i don't know why there holes in it
you can check it
and here's code
var daeLayer:ViewportLayer = new ViewportLayer(viewport,null);
viewport.containerSprite.sortMode = ViewportLayerSortMode.Z_SORT;
viewport.containerSprite.getChildLayer(dae, true, true);
but no result